Ha-Naga |
20d8+220 (310 hp) |
+14 (Dex) |
60 ft., fly 120 ft. (perfect) |
40 (-8 size, +14 Dex, +24 natural armor), touch 16, flat-footed 26 |
+15/+39 |
Coil whip +21 (4d6+8) melee |
Coil whip +21 (4d6+8) melee, sting +19 (2d8+4 plus poison) melee, bite +13 (4d8+4) melee |
30 ft./20 ft. |
Charming gaze, poison, improved grab, constrict 4d6+12 |
Flight, spell resistance 30, damage reduction 5/epic |
Fort +17, Ref +22, Will +22 |
Str 27, Dex 38, Con 32, Int 35, Wis 31, Cha 36 |
Appraise +35, Concentration +34, Bluff +24, Diplomacy +38, Escape Artist +37, Hide +21, Jump +20, Knowledge (arcana, history, religion) +35, Listen +33, Move Silently +37, Search +35, Sense Motive +24, Spellcraft +37, Spot +33 |
Dodge, Flyby Attack, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Multiattack, Quicken Spell, Weapon Finesse |
Temperate and warm land or underground |
Solitary or nest (2-4) |
22 |
Standard |
Usually chaotic evil |
21-40 HD (Colossal) |
A ha-naga's natural weapons are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Flight (Su): As per the fly spell, 120 ft. (perfect). This ability gives the ha-naga a +6 circumstance bonus on Move Silently checks.
Chameleon Ability (Ex): Ha-nagas can blend in with their surroundings, giving them a +8 circumstance bonus on Hide checks.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the ha-naga must hit with its coil whip attack. If it succeeds, it can constrict.
Constrict (Ex): A ha-naga deals 4d6+12 points Damage with a successful grapple attack against Huge or smaller opponents.
Poison (Ex): Sting, Fort save (DC 31); initial and secondary Damage 2d8 temporary Con. The DC is Constitution-based.
Spells: Ha-nagas can cast spells as 21st-level sorcerers, and can also cast cleric spells and spells from the domains of Chaos and Evil as arcane spells (save DC 33 + spell level). The DC is Charisma-based.
Dungeons and Dragons Ha-Naga - D&D 3.5 PBP RPG
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